Proud to Support The Northern Ballet

Northern Ballet is the UK’s widest-touring ballet company, bringing the joy of the arts to hundreds of thousands of people every year on stage, and to millions through their digital work who otherwise would have limited opportunities to benefit from attendance and participation.

Their primary aim is to promote the joy of dance to as wide an audience as possible and they strive to break down barriers and engage diverse audiences through their outstanding productions and wide-ranging educational and outreach activities. Areas that attract support include:

Accessibility – Last year the NB's Learning Team worked with over 18,000 people from a wide range of backgrounds.

  • Dance for Parkinson’s - with support from two key Trusts and Foundations they were able to deliver a successful pilot year of this project in 2018 which offers those living with Parkinson’s an opportunity to take part in high quality ballet classes with the aim of improving physical and mental health. With ongoing support from Trusts and Foundations, this project is now part of their core inclusive dance programme.
  • Rise – Northern Ballet’s education project Rise focuses on health and wellbeing in schools. Currently in the pilot phase, the project is being delivered in five primary schools across West Yorkshire and we are working with University of Leeds to examine the benefits to pupils’ resilience, body confidence, communication, and self-expression skills.
  • Touch Tours and Audio Descriptions - Led by ex-Premier Dancer Pippa Moore MBE, their dancers, stage management and an audio describer, their Touch Tours offer people with a vision impairment an opportunity to learn more about the productions and learn basic ballet technique. The live and digital Audio Descriptions are also written by Pippa who danced with the Company for 20 years.

Sunshine & Smiles is a registered charity that provides a support network in Leeds for children and young people who have Down syndrome and their families.

They are the only specific support network in Leeds and fulfil a vital role in the community.

The Leeds Down Syndrome Support Network is parent-led and overseen by a team of four trustees.

Sunshine & Smiles aims to improve the lives and opportunities of children and young people with Down syndrome.

They offer speech and language therapy, regular groups and activities, individual support and advocacy for families, as well as raising awareness and challenging preconceptions in the wider community.

Yorcybersec has always supported Sunshine & Smiles and now with the Leeds Cyber Security Conference, we aim to do more.

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